The exterior entrance of a hotel at dusk, featuring signage, a bellhop and a reflective water feature - Hotel Southend By TGI - Bommasandra, Bangalore

Exceptional Offers at Hotel Southend by TGI, Bommasandra

Experience exclusive discounts on your rooms during your stay in Bommasandra with Hotel Southend by TGI. Enhance the value of your business trip with these offers today.

An elegant hotel room with a large bed, red throw blanket, decorative pillows and a framed black-and-white photograph on the wall - Hotel Southend By TGI - Bommasandra, Bangalore

Weeklong Discounts on Rooms

Hotel Southend by TGI offers consistent discounts on rooms in Bommasandra throughout the entire week, ensuring our guests can enjoy guaranteed savings every day. Currently, you can receive a 20% discount on rooms from Monday to Sunday, ensuring you have an enjoyable and cost-effective stay with us.

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Exclusive Offers

Indulge in a tempting discount for your stay at Southend by TGI and savour the luxury of our accommodations.

-Get 25% off on your stay. Valid up to 31st Oct, 2024
-Get 15% off on your stay starting from 1st Nov, 2024

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The front view of a hotel room with a large bed, white linens, burnt orange accents and a framed picture of a bridge above the headboard - Hotel Southend By TGI - Bommasandra, Bangalore
A hotel room featuring a large bed with white and orange linens, a work desk and a black-and-white photo of a landscape on the wall - Hotel Southend by TGI - Bommasandra, Bangalore

Direct Booking Benefits

Book directly on the Hotel Southend by TGI, Bommasandra website and enjoy 15% off on Spa, Food & Beverages, and hard liquor, 10% off on laundry, plus early check-in from 9 AM and late check-out until 2 PM (subject to availability).

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